Saturday, 8 October 2016

Gin Explorer: A lightweight successor to the Carrera Plus paraglider?

Note: The FlyinOrange has moved to:

September comes to a close, bringing with it the start of autumn.

In accompaniment is the foremost trade show of the paragliding world, the Coupe d'Icare in St. Hilaire de Touvet, France.

A wide swath of vendors and manufactures attend the CdI to hawk wares and provide glimpses of pending product releases - the latter hoping to whet appetites in advance of the long dark of winter.

The manufacturer of the wing I currently fly, Gin, brought with it a manufacturing sample of what could well be the lightweight variant of the Carrera/Carrera+ - the Explorer.

While having released the Sprint 3 as a catch weight (mixing standard and light weight fabrics) mid range B, it would appear Gin has decided to follow in the foot steps of other manufacturers and released a true lightweight version of it's top end B.

I am excited to see this wing brought to market as it would make a great travel companion.

Update 16/12/23 : Gin Explorer - Small in Topaz arrived just in time for a week long XC tour/course in Valle de Bravo, Mexico. A big thank you to Jim R. @ and Brett H. @

Exploits with the Gin Explorer in Valle de Bravo can be found here.

Gin Explorer (courtesy of Gin Gilders).

Notice the extended weight range.

Comparison of riser layout for the Carrera Plus, Explorer, and Carrera. Notice how Gin opted for a much simpler riser design for the Explorer yet did not carry over the extended range of motion for the C riser (from the Carrera Plus).

Carrera Plus



Unboxing pictures:

Video of the first week in Valle de Bravo, Mexico: