Saturday, 31 December 2016

Valle de Bravo with the Gin Explorer: Part 5.

Continued from Part 4.

Our intrepid party of free fliers, having launched, transitioned to El Penon, and climbed the Wall are ready for the next piece of the Valle de Bravo paragliding puzzle - the Crazy Thermal Place. This south western edge of the mesa is an excellent collector of thermals from the valley below, thermals that mix and churn in the wind feeding the daily convergence. If a pilot can make it here and top out the oft time chaotic climb, XC options open up  to the west and north. We will learn as the week goes on that Crazy Thermal is the first of the keys to flying XC in Valle.

The 777 twins: Marko (blue) and Ignacio (red) approaching the Crazy Thermal Place.
As we approach the area, we fan out with Marko in the lead to maximize our chances of finding the next climb. Little more than minute passes when we come across a massive region of lift and begin to circle.

As we continue to climb, Marko spots one of our group struggling. Pulling ears Marko drops down to assist. By the end of the course Marko will have saved each of us from what would have been a sure trip to the deck.

Cloudbase. Direction is given to drive north towards the convergence (the Second Key to flying Valle).


Convergence bound.

Thursday, 29 December 2016

Valle de Bravo with the Gin Explorer: Part 4.

Note: The FlyinOrange has moved to:

Continued from Part 3.

Finally the opportunity to do what I came here for - to fly.

Marko, having given our respective kits a once over, provides a run down of the day:

  • Wait for a respectable mass of pilots to launch and watch to see if many are able to climb out. If not, wait until either the launch conditions start to test our comfort level or some of the herd begins to transition from the house thermal out front to the rock face of El Penon. 
  • Once launched, immediately turn left to catch the tail of lift from the thermal kicking off from the foothills below. 
  • Drive into wind and join the gaggle. 
  • Once above 2800m (for the high EN-Bs), consider transitioning and aim to hit the south west edge of El Penon. Additional turns above 2800 nets additional options.
  • If no climb is found right away upon arrival, soar the rock face. 
  • Once above the rock, move onto The Wall. 
  • Ridge soar up above the lip to then thermal and get enough height to jump onto Crazy Thermal Place. 
  • It goes without saying, if someone finds a climb within glide while soaring - race to them. There is no shame in pimping off of other pilots.
  • Once everyone is above Crazy Thermal Place, we will play follow the leader to learn the XC building blocks of flying Valle (especially the interior of the Mesa that The Wall and Crazy Thermal Place form part of).

Sounds like a plan.

Waiting for conditions to strengthen.

11AM. Word given to start getting ready. As we close in on noon, expect conditions to become ... challenging.
One never before flown Gin Explorer.
1130. Laid out and ready to give it a try. First pull up turns into an abort due to a cross gust. Assistance from Marko's retrieve driver enables the Explorer to be reset for a second attempt.

Second pull up is good and we're off.

Looking good.

And so starts the first XC of the trip.

Following Marko's instructions, I turn quickly left and catch my first climb.

First climb looking down at launch.
Stair stepping up the climb, I gain enough height to join the gaggle thermalling out front.
Kelly's rules of thermal etiquette are fore front in my mind.

Slotting into the climbing gaggle.
The climb topped out, time for the transition to El Penon.

Next stop - El Penon.
Arriving at El Penon, I begin to work in and then away from the face to locate the lift band. Denis Cortella's suggestion on how to safely fly close into a ridge (weight shift away and apply inside brake to counter the turn) is going to see some application today.

Getting cozy.

Adding meters. Just ahead is Ignacio on a 777 Pawn.
Topping the rock along with Alasdair on a Nova Mentor (I think a 4).

To The Wall we go.

Al and I cruise along The Wall, about to discover the 'G-Spot'.
Arriving at The Wall, we continue to follow Marko's instructions and set up to ridge soar until we crest the lip and locate a climb. Along the way the legendary thermal trigger known as the 'G-Spot' makes its presence known by awarding Al with a frontal collapse and myself with a right asymmetric.

Once above the ridge, eyes are keen to locate any hint someone has found a climb.

Cruisin' for a climb.

Less than a minute passes and a climb is found.

Xiaoting (top) on the Air Design Rise, Al (middle) on the Nova Mentor, and Ignacio (bottom) on the 777 Pawn.
While we begin to work the thermal, Marko above us spots that one of our crew needs a hand. While still in a carve, Marko pulls big ears and 'cores' away + down. This is the first time I have seen an instructor or guide abandon a thermal to help one of the students struggling to locate lift. I cannot overstate the positive impression I am left as a result of this 'sacrifice'.

Marko (above) pulling ears to drop down and lend a hand.

While Marko helps out below, those of us who have crested the climb move onto Crazy Thermal Place to go into a holding pattern.

Al (left), another wing, and I approaching Crazy Thermal Place.

Continued in Part 5.

Tuesday, 27 December 2016

Valle de Bravo with the Gin Explorer: Part 3.

Note: The FlyinOrange has moved to:

Continued from Part 2.

0500hrs - up and prepping kit for the transition to Valle de Bravo. A WhatsApp message from a flying counterpart, Ignacio, who generously offered a ride indicates he might be slow in exiting Immigration. Looks as if his flight from Argentina was 15 minutes late and is stuck behind a trio of flights from LAX, SFO and ORD. 400+ people swarm the Immigration queue.

2 hours later we meet up and hook a shuttle to his car. A short diversion to Ignacio's apartment to drop off his travel kit and we are off to VdB.

The elevator exits straight into the apartment. Very nice!
Racing along the toll way, Ignacio points out a white Dodge Charger following a high end SUV in the left lane. 

"Private security. You do not want to get between them."

Good to know.

After a quick stop outside VdB to gather Ignacio's flying kit, we meet up with Marko and my fellow participants. Among them are Al and Xiaoting Jones - a Brit/Chinese couple who are much like I - travelling the world with PGs in tow. I came across their blog a year ago when looking up info on Steve Barton and XC Brazil. Small world, it would seem. A hilarious sense of humor and Xiaoting's spitfire-esque nature leads me to believe I've lucked upon some great flying mates for the week.

With introductions taken care of, we pile into Marko's truck for the ride up to launch. Near the top, Xiaoting points out the recently built snack stand and the washroom facilities (with running water AND soap). Looks as if the locals are keen to make Valle de Bravo *THE* must visit winter flying destination.

El Penon launch site rules.
Snack bar.
It is cleaned throughout the day and lady who does so appreciates your tips.
Up top, the launch's namesake rock stands in the distance.

Climb out, glide to here.

My photo taking excursion is cut short by Marko's request that we pull out kit for inspection. It appears enough external course students have shown up with incorrectly installed reserves that Marko now pops over every participants reserve container to double check everything is good to go.

Equipment checked, forms filled out. Now for a briefing of the flight to come.

A fairly simple flight - launch, grab the first climb and bee line for El Penon. Keep mind to stay out of the lee while ridge soaring to the top, then hop over onto the Wall to grab a climb and buzz over to the 'Crazy Thermal Place'. From there XC we will go - basically it is follow the leader for today. Marko mentions a key good trigger point along the Wall, named the 'G-Spot', but climbs can be rowdy. With house thermal names like this - I gather subdued flying we will not find.

Time to break out the Gin Explorer for her maiden flight ...

Continued in Part 4.

Valle de Bravo with the Gin Explorer: Part 2.

Note: The FlyinOrange has moved to:

Continued from Part 1

45 minutes to departure and I sit outside Gate D50 in YVR. A short musing regarding how much impact the once derided Airport Improvement tax has had on the terminal. We normally don't pay much heed in our rush to and fro gates, but sitting here today it is not hard to agree that it was money well spent (when compared to the likes of MEX).

With my section called, I make my way on board to 1D.

No 'single serving friend' seatmate for this flight.

As fellow pax file onboard, OJ and water are offered along with the menu for tonight.

The cheese pasta dish it will be.
At one point I glance up to see a family of 2 adults and 4 children ask the flight attendant for help in merging their split seating. 'Row 26' catches my attention as does a rather irate infant being toted along. Wonder how much the folk stranded around the screamer would be willing to pay to move? In my case, one cannot put a price on sanity (an extension of 'the quality of an experience is remembered long after price is forgotten').

Take off and climb out are uneventful. The forward class flight attendant begins with drink service followed by meals. My late arrival, early start, and long day ahead makes for no alcohol tonight - water and my main course only.

The cheese pasta dish.
5 hours fly by in a blur of repeated food and drink offerings.

030 hrs local time we touch down and I race off for immigration and customs. For naught it is, as it takes an hour to clear the near empty queue. Bag quickly collected (the benefit of the 'Priority' tag F/J class pax get) and off in search of the Camino Real hotel attached to the airport.

Opposite end of the terminal, upper floor, and across a skybridge sits my new home for the next 4 hours until my ride to Valle, Ignacio, lands from Argentina.

Till then ... sleep.

Continued in Part 3.

Sunday, 25 December 2016

Valle de Bravo with the Gin Explorer: Part 1.

Note: The FlyinOrange has moved to:

Another holiday season, another studio shutdown.

One of the many perks of working in the Vancouver games industry is the accepted norm of a week off with pay during the week between Christmas and New Years.

In the past I would simply kill the week with some side project and time spent with the extended family. But this year is different. My promotion to lead a TechArt team as a CG Supervisor came with an implicit understanding that free time is going to be a scare commodity come summer. In other words, I need to make the most of the flying opportunities while I can.

But with the break overlapping the Christmas season, tour and course options are limited. Luckily a week long search provided some fruit: a Valle de Bravo based XC Course being put on within the APPI licensing system by ParaglidingMexico under the instruction of Marko Hrgetic (Dec 26 to 30 inclusive).

Everything was packed and ready to go this past Friday morning when an email from the Canadian Gin Distributor, Brett Hazlett, appeared in my inbox stating that my recently ordered Gin Explorer had arrived. The initial plan was to take my steadfast Gin Carrera Plus (it is an absolutely remarkable wing and I am still surprised it has not gained more of a following in our region - especially given the rave reviews from Ziad @ DustOfTheUniverse) and I was still debating such when I picked up the Explorer from Brett.

Brett's response, "When I have a new wing and I am about to embark on a trip, the only question in my mind is window or aisle seat."

Point well taken, sir.

So here I sit in the Maple Leaf lounge in YVR with the Gin Explorer paraglider + Skywalk Range Air harness as checked baggage. Memories of picking up the Ozone Delta 2 on a Tuesday in June 2013 to then board a plane 2 days later for a SIV course under Jocky is not far from my mind. Looking back it was one of the best decisions I ever made flying wise and I hope the same holds true for this trip.

Today: YVR.
Tomorrow : El Penon launch, Valle de Bravo.

A rather barren Maple Leaf lounge. The benefit of Christmas Day travel.

Our ride waits.

In the distance, a TRex stalks passengers.

Saturday, 24 December 2016

Another trip, another kit prep: ... and done.

A minimal footprint. 

Another trip, another kit prep: Part 2.

Pack: 5.11 Rush 24. This pack has followed me to all corners of the world and has been utterly bombproof.
Boots: 5.11 Taclite 8" boots. The most comfortable pair of boots I've owned. This is my 4th pair as they typically only last for about half a year of use.
Dry/Wash Bag: Scrubba. This has allowed me to get my clothing footprint down to 3 days, irregardless the length of the trip.

Wing: Gin Explorer (was Gin Carrera Plus when photo taken).
Harness: Skywalk Range Air.
Hydration Bladder: Source WidePac 2L + insulated tubing.

Thursday, 22 December 2016

Another trip, another kit prep: Part 1.

Queued up for the weeklong studio shutdown over Christmas -> a little Latin American paragliding by way of a guided XC course.

Airline tickets, accommodation, travel insurance, SIM Card, and a ride arranged from the airport: Check.

Now for the kit.

Clothing: Arcteryx Drac shell + Ravean Heated Down jacket + Arcteryx Alpha SL gloves + Arcteryx Neck Gaiter and Fortez Beanie.
Comms: Baofeng BF-F8HP (and Code Red bone conduction headset) + Delorme InReach.
Cameras: MOHOC + YI 4K (plus Feiyu Gimbal).
Instruments: Flymaster NAV + XCTracer + GPSBip + Recon Instruments Snow2 (plus GliderHUD).

Laptop: ASUS T102HA 10 inch + WD MyPassport 1TB Wireless HD.
Power Pack: Anker 2nd Gen Astro Pro 2 20k mAh (great charging multiplexer, plug into wall + plug 3 USB devices into it).

Continued in Part 2

Happy Holidays from the FlyinOrange.

Saturday, 8 October 2016

Gin Explorer: A lightweight successor to the Carrera Plus paraglider?

Note: The FlyinOrange has moved to:

September comes to a close, bringing with it the start of autumn.

In accompaniment is the foremost trade show of the paragliding world, the Coupe d'Icare in St. Hilaire de Touvet, France.

A wide swath of vendors and manufactures attend the CdI to hawk wares and provide glimpses of pending product releases - the latter hoping to whet appetites in advance of the long dark of winter.

The manufacturer of the wing I currently fly, Gin, brought with it a manufacturing sample of what could well be the lightweight variant of the Carrera/Carrera+ - the Explorer.

While having released the Sprint 3 as a catch weight (mixing standard and light weight fabrics) mid range B, it would appear Gin has decided to follow in the foot steps of other manufacturers and released a true lightweight version of it's top end B.

I am excited to see this wing brought to market as it would make a great travel companion.

Update 16/12/23 : Gin Explorer - Small in Topaz arrived just in time for a week long XC tour/course in Valle de Bravo, Mexico. A big thank you to Jim R. @ and Brett H. @

Exploits with the Gin Explorer in Valle de Bravo can be found here.

Gin Explorer (courtesy of Gin Gilders).

Notice the extended weight range.

Comparison of riser layout for the Carrera Plus, Explorer, and Carrera. Notice how Gin opted for a much simpler riser design for the Explorer yet did not carry over the extended range of motion for the C riser (from the Carrera Plus).

Carrera Plus



Unboxing pictures:

Video of the first week in Valle de Bravo, Mexico: