STODEUS (maker of leBipBip and leGPSBip) appears to be on the ball with getting updates out.
Feedback provided by end users such as myself appears to be addressed in this last update.
The change log:
Feedback provided by end users such as myself appears to be addressed in this last update.
The change log:
Version 2.0.3 beta (2016-09-18)
- FAI/CIVL IGC valid with XSD signature
- Timezone in minute for India and other specific timezone
- Vario sweep tone glitch
- Vario filter init startup
- Barometric altitude GPS correction even before takeoff
- Config file detection improved
- Autoshutdown fixed
- GPS reception in high performances when USB powered
- Takeoff detection
- Sink alarm setting and issue
- Kobo Glow compatibility
- Track folder YYYY/MM/DD
- KML file: altitude jump, track with pilot name, position rounding
- IGC file: barometric altitude sign
- Mac OS X: eject device without remount
- Vario: integration time: slow and fast available