Sunday 24 January 2016

Let there be flight: Part 1

The night before, the faintest glow of a sunset - could the clouds be departing?

This morning, mostly overcast but with blue patches. Me thinks we might be getting some airtime today.

Word is Steve will be by @ 10. There is no rush as we will wait for things to clear up - the launch on Ibituruna is still in cloud. This gives us time to do a scout of the three LZs - the main, Feria da Paz on the north side of the river and the two bailouts - 'Jurassic Park' (more officially known as the Municipal Park) and the 'Tick Field' (due to the need for long pants if hiking out).

The Main LZ - lower left across the river. This is officially the only place one can fly over the river due to the approach/departure vector from the airport. Height limited to 1,000 feet.
BailOut # 1 - 'Jurassic Park's light concrete parking lot to the right.
BailOut #2 - the 'Tick Field' to the right of centre beside the river. It is to the East of Jurassic Park. The brown hints it is inundated due to the unusually heavy rains recently.
Upon arriving up top of Ibituruna, I can now claim I reached cloudbase in GV.

Burn (off) baby, burn (off).
Thankfully one of the local HG pilots set up a small bar to help pilots kill time and cater to the stream of tourists wanting to get the best view around....

Bar to the right.

They have drinks and wifi, what else do you need - aside from sun.
Quite happy to run up and down the HG ramp (ending in a rather large drop off), but strap a wing on - not a chance they say.
The first flight of the day - by a quadcopter/drone.

all under a watchful eye...

Come and lay out your wing.

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